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Rollin Wakely is J. UNO’s newest Certified Cost Professional (CCP)

We’d like to congratulate Rollin Wakely for becoming J.UNO’s newest Certified Cost Professional (CCP), verified by the Association of the Advancement of Cost Engineers (AACE) International. This certification demonstrates that Rollin is [...]

January 4, 2024|News|

Introducing Joseph Uno as AIA Honolulu’s 2022 Public Director

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Honolulu Chapter recently introduced their 2022 Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The committee consists of candidates who have been influential in the architectural community and have contributed to [...]

December 6, 2021|News|

Hector Javier Garcia is J. UNO’s newest Certified Cost Professional (CCP)

Congratulations to our newest Certified Cost Professional (CCP) at J. UNO! The Association of the Advancement of Cost Engineers (AACE) International certifies that Hector Javier Garcia having given satisfactory evidence of qualifications [...]

July 22, 2021|News|
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